Interview With Paleo-Artist Phil Wilson
I am extremely excited to present our new Paleo-Artist of the week, and one of the most accomplished Paleo-Artists out there!
Phil Wilson!

I had the honor of conducting a phone interview with Mr. Wilson and I could not have asked for a better conversation. What an absolute pleasure. He has worked with and done the artwork for Paleontologists like Jack Horner and even the images for the famous book "Raptor Red" by Robert T. Bakker! Not to mention he also had an impressive career working with Disney...YES, you read that right, DISNEY.

This artistic genius has over 50 years in the business. You might not have known it but growing up there is a very good chance that you were captivated by his interpretation of how these majestic animals looked in some of your favorite dinosaur books. Lost in not only your imagination, but Phil Wilson's as well.
He was captivated by dinosaur at a young age. Their size and variety. The same as a lot of us, and never lost that love. "They are real dragons", he said. When I asked him why he paints and how he gets his motivation for his art he said, "I paint them because I want to see them. What would they would be like? It's amazing even to think about."

A good majority of his prehistoric art is viewed from a lower vantage point. Really trying to portray the size of these animals as they would be seen from lowly mammals like ourselves. He has always tried to "capture a moment" as he said, providing you a glimpse into his imagination while at the same time expanding yours. Wilson works on his backgrounds first, creating the scene and atmosphere for the animals to interact in and adapt to. I personally never thought about that when creating an artistic scene. That advice might have saved me a lot of time in the past with my art.

When asked what his favorite dinosaurs where he excitedly said Ankylosaurids, Nodosaurs and Ceratopsians. "I love how bizarre they are, our world's "Real Life Dragons."
By the way, all his art is hand drawn or painted. Nothing digital.
Wilson has written and published over 94 books and counting, over 30 years working with VHS video, commercials, DVD art 10 to 12 years working with Paleontologist Jack Horner and created 6 to 8 of the main characters in Robert Bakker's "Raptor Red"!
After talking with Mr. Wilson, he has given me permission to attach some never seen images and sketched he created for the book "RAPTOR RED". If you have read the book you will recognize these animals right away. Like the White Dactyl, or the Whip Tail and the menacing Kronosaur!
I could continue writing about this amazing artist page after page, but I think it's better to let you all marvel at his artistic creations. I am most impressed by the vantage point, colors and interaction the animals have in his art. They give a real sense of what was happening in that moment and puts your imagination right there with them.
A very special thank you to our new Paleo-Artist of the week Phil Wilson. I know I will continue to follow your work as it comes out and I hope you all do as well.
To experience more of his breathtaking art please visit.
Also add his Facebook page